I am running a series of photography workshops using a mindful approach. They will take place in gardens and countryside in the UK, with the focus on immersing yourself in the surroundings and connecting with nature.

The health benefits of being in nature are well documented, and these still photography workshops in stunning settings encourage us to slow down, immerse ourselves, and focus on elements that attract our attention. They are about developing our creativity in a safe and supportive place. We learn to look at things differently and build confidence through the medium of photography.

What makes these different from other photography workshops is that they are not about the technical side of photography, where we take dozens of pictures without being conscious of what we are actually seeing. You may choose to use a camera or smartphone. I will offer advice and constructive feedback and, in small groups, we will listen to each other, share stories and acquire new skills.

Gwernyfed Walled Garden Workshops 

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by what we see in a beautiful landscape and start firing away on our smartphones or cameras without actually thinking about what we are seeing. If you want to produce beautiful images you are happy with, and that really stand out,then this workshop will give you the skills to improve your photography through instruction and guidance.

On this workshop I will explain the importance of light and how it can transform your photographs, how to ‘frame’ your image by looking at the shapes of flowers and plants, the best angle to choose, and how to draw out specific elements from a particular subject, which could also be a tree, shrub or landscape.

You will have time to immerse yourself in beautiful gardens and landscapes connecting with nature with plenty of time to take photographs, followed after lunch by more photography and then discussion about your photographs.

These workshops are perfect for gardeners, photographers, or those simply looking for calm in a busy world.


10.00am-10.15am Welcome refreshments

10.15am-10.30am A talk from the owners of Gwernyfed Walled Gardens

10.30am-1.00pm Participants photograph with instruction and advice from Marsha

1.00am-2.00pm Lunch

2.00am-3.30pm Participants continue with their photography

3.30am-4.30pm Tea and cake with group discussion

Numbers are limited to 15 to ensure individual attention.

For reservations please follow this link:


“I’m relaxing in my van and contemplating the beautiful day we have had today. I’m not quite sure why, but I feel quite emotional about it. It’s a bit like a switch has been turned on in me, and a love and enjoyment that I’d kind of lost has been opened up to me again. Thank you so very much for your warm encouragement, advice, professional knowledge and understanding of what we needed. I feel incredibly privileged to have been on the receiving end of all this, and I also feel as if it is opening up a new door for me. Who knew that a photography course could make you re-evaluate your life...?!”

“This workshop far exceeded my expectations. I was apprehensive to sign up for it, as I only shoot photos on my phone for fun and thought I might be a bit out of place. But I needn't have had any concerns as Marsha's teaching style was so relatable and inclusive. By the end of the day I felt so much more confident in being able to get the most out of my photographs, there was a clear difference between the photos I took at the beginning of the day and those I was taking by the end of the day.”

“It was good not to have a technical lecture at the beginning nor to have an introduction where people talk about their goals for the day. Taking a person-centred perspective was helpful ("What do YOU like?’). I much preferred the informal style and think that Marsha was effective in getting over key points.”